Nearest airports :
- Riohacha: Almirante Padilla International Airport (1 hour away from the hotel)
- Santa Marta: Simón Bolívar International Airport (2.5 hours from hotel)
Airport-hotel-airport shuttle service
The hotel offers pick-up service at the Riohacha airport. If you are interested in this option, please let us know once you make your reservation. Price: $150.000 per way
Arrival by car
From Riohacha:
- Take the Troncal del Caribe (National Route 90) to Campana Nuevo.
- When you reach this town, take the detour to Dibulla (via Dibulla-Buenos Aires).
- Take the first detour to the right, towards Punta de los Remedios.
- Pass Punta de los Remedios until you reach the Hotel Awatawaa Ecolodge.
From Santa Marta or Palomino:
- Take the Troncal del Caribe (National Route 90) to Cacerío Casa de Aluminio (first turnoff to Dibulla), to Punta de los Remedios.
- Pass Punta de los Remedios until you reach the Hotel Awatawaa Ecolodge.
The hotel has private and guarded parking
- Riohacha: Almirante Padilla International Airport (1 hour from hotel)
- Santa Marta: Simón Bolívar International Airport (2.5 hours from hotel)
The hotel offers pick up service from Riohacha airport. If you are interested in this option, please let us know once you make your reservation.
Price: $150.000 per way